WILW: Sometimes it's fun to play along!!

1. I’m loving all the support that the blogger community has shown for Operation Layla. Go check out their bake sale they are having and if you haven’t heard, see the her story!
2. I’m loving that lunch comes an hour earlier… so does bedtime… LOL
3. I’m loving the beautiful weather that we will be expecting the next couple of days!
4. I’m loving that one of my Bloggy Pals got engaged and I’m so excited for her!!! Yey Lindsay! She was one of my first followers!!!
5. I’m loving this man!!
6. I’m loving this little girl:
7. And I’m loving them:
I’m full of love today, I better stop… Hey why don’t you go link up and let us all know what you are loving today!!!
I love you too angel!!!!!
Great post hunny!!! 😉
Wonderful happy post Yay!
Awesome post..question how do you get a cute font for blog post titles like you have? 🙂
Haha, yeah but daylight savings means I gotta get up earlier! No fair! 😉
The weather!! My dishes are done. haha. In other words…I did not forget! 😉
Aw…that is so sweet! Thank you for the shout out!! xo
I love this time change and weather as well! It's so nice to be able to stay outside almost all day! Yay! LOL