Winter Travel Warning
***Update: in this post I said Moody when I meant Muddy… hahaha I’ve fixed it thanks to my wonderful husband pointing this out to me. If you didn’t see the moody, no biggy 🙂 That’s what I get for multi-tasking while I’m writing a post :)***
They Suggest that anyone traveling in the current icy and snowy conditions should make sure they have the following:
- Shovel
- Blankets or sleeping bag
- Extra Clothing including hat and gloves
- 24 hrs worth of food
- De-icer
- Rock Salt
- Flashlight with spare batteries
- Road Flares or reflective triangles
- Empty Gas Can
- First Aid Kit
- Booster Cables
Ok so these pictures were taken during our first snow, that melted before we had that dumb blizzard that dumped 18″ of snow on us. BTW 2 weeks later and we’re still under snow… *sigh* I’m not bitter or anything!
But this is our weather forecast for the next week…. hopefully knows what they are talking about!
Next we’ll be muddy and flooding… but hey… it beats what my car said the outside temp was yesterday morning… -15*F. That sucked!
Happy Friday… I’m going to go thaw out now!
ick and BRRRR!!! Stay warm girl!!
Spring is coming!
We used to carry a bag of cat litter with us, too, for traction. 🙂
I would sooo be staying in
That was a good one–taking the bus. hahaha I won't tell you that it's 74 degrees here right now. (And I think my computer is virus free.)Have a good weekend. Don't leave any skin exposed. ;o)
Haha, for a sec, I thought you really did that!!! 😀
Oh my gosh do not leave your house. It's bright and sunny here in Phoenix but you can stick your tongue out at me this summer when I'm so hot I won't leave my house 🙂
Oh gees -15! So sorry. That is hurting cold. Hopefully the weather will be as predicted. If so, break out the barbecue! 😉