Repost – Our Story Part 6

Repost from June 29, 2010

Part 1 Here 
Part 2 Here
Part 3 Here
Part 4 Here
Part 5 Here

{Chapter Six}
Yes the message was from none other than the boy from years ago. The boy who brought back flooding memories…
Him: Long time no see!! How’ve you been??
Me: Definitely. Just working, How about yourself?
Him: SAME working in KY right now for the government!! Fun Fun.  Where you at now??
Me: Wow Kentucky… that’s nuts… oh for now I’m back home with my parents working… in this economy it looks like we are lucky to have jobs. So Married? Kids?
Him: I am divorced with a 6 year old daughter!! You?
Suddenly I felt my heart sink in my chest. A bit of hurt or something, I’m not sure the emotion that came over me. I always said I never wanted to be with a guy who had been married or one who had kids. But wait, me, thinking of being with another guy, just out of a long relationship… was I nuts? Was I losing my mind? I think so… or maybe it is all this lack of sleep!  Yeah that must be my problem. Hell this guy never even said he liked me… A few messages through facebook for the first time in ten years is not a marriage proposal.  Heck it’s not even being asked out on a date or for coffee.   Ok so my problem was definitely sleep deprivation taking its toll on me. MUST GET SLEEP!!!!!
But I continued on chatting through facebook instead:
Me: nope to both. Been dating a guy for 5 1/2 years but that’s on the verge of falling through.
Him: well that sucks. I’m sorry to hear that!! I hope everything works out okay!! Do you have MSN Messenger, it would be easier!!

Me: Nope, and I’m not even sitting at a computer… I’m watching off the phone internet… LOL

Him: LOL I see!!

Me: Although I was actually on a comp earlier when I found you. Gotta love modern technology.

Him: LOL I was on my phone when I got the first message from facebook… LOL

That must be when my exhaustion took over and I fell asleep.


Repost – Our Story Part 5

Repost from June 28, 2010Part 1 Here 
Part 2 Here
Part 3 Here
Part 4 Here


So from Thursday to Sunday, there really wasn’t anything new that had happened. Still fighting through text messages and on the phone with very very very little phone contact. I went out to dinners with my parents and hung out with my dad all day Saturday and Sunday helping with odds and ends around the house. Saturday night I wound up going to the movies with Kalem & Evelyn just to get out of the house. I needed to. I was going nuts. Oddly enough, I’m not sure I spent that much time there in one sitting. Sunday morning felt weird b/c I didn’t jump out of bed, get dressed and head to his house or his church or anywhere for that matter. I got up from what little sleep I had and watched Friends re-runs and then went downstairs and watched some movie with my parents.

Life sure did seem strange but hey I guess that’s what happens from time to time. You learn to deal with it or else you don’t but I was, slowly but surely and truthfully it had only been what, right at a week so truthfully there isn’t a whole lot of time there, right?
Later that afternoon Kalem & Evelyn said they were going to the J’s house (Jason & Josh, easier to say the J’s) to watch Anime and eat dinner. I’m not super crazy about anime but hey I thought it was another excuse to leave the house so I told them I’d meet them there.
So you remember that awesome post about buying a laptop? It is getting ready to come into play. I hope you read up if you didn’t read the initial post 🙂
Since the J’s live in town and have awesome internet, I thought hey, why not go steal their wi-fi. It beats the dial-up internet at my parents house, that’s for sure! At home I wasn’t used to the fast internet so I had to take the baby out for a spin and see what she could do…
One of my addictions at the time was facebook.
