Spring Break Trip Part 2
One thing about our trip to Kansas City is we planned on doing absolutely nothing. We had very few plans, a couple of dinner reservations but that was it. We did want to go to the KC Farmer’s Market but we did that on Saturday after we saw the weather forecast and the potential chance of snow. It was hilarious because every news station up there predicted anywhere from a light dusting to 4 inches. None of them actually agreed on anything. I did like our forecast better than home’s forecast though!!
We got up that morning and I looked out the window, it was snowing but nothing bad. Nothing to make us stay in, yet we were also okay with staying in because we had no plans!!
We got up and headed down to the lobby for breakfast. Today’s breakfast options were pretty much the same as Saturday’s options. Still yummy and those Lemon Poppyseed muffins (in my opinion) were da bomb diggity. yup, I just said that.
Then we ventured back into our room and proceeded to watch tv. Reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and movies. Can’t knock it or beat it!!
Finally around 11 we got up and got dressed. The night before we saw the word baby on a building so we headed back in the general direction of the Best Buy we’d gone to see what the Baby on the side of the building was. Turns out it was a Buy Buy Baby. We’d never been to one, I had found it online about a week prior so we decided to go. As we were turning into the parking lot, we saw the Five Guys Burger and decided we NEEDED to eat lunch :).
From there we went on to Buy Buy Baby. I saw this onesie and thought it was really cute. I should have bought it for the Peanut but I didn’t.
We then moved on across the street to the Super Target where we got lotion (for me), Cadbury Eggs (not for me) and Sweet Tarts (for me), what an interesting combination, right? Then we went back to our hotel room and vegged out all afternoon. We finally watched the first Hunger Games movie. I wasn’t sure how I felt about watching it… kids killing kids… but it wasn’t too bad. Then when it was over we watched another movie, War of the Worlds maybe. Finally around 5 we decided to leave and head somewhere to find dinner. By the time evening hit, the sun was out in full force. We went to eat at The Cheesecake Factory!! YUM
And that would be how we spent a Sunday. We’re really exciting I know, btw, Red Slug Bug, no Slugs back (right there in the middle bottom!!)