Keys to a Happy Life
Practice a New Sport
Accept new Challenges
Dare to be different
Freshen up your ideas
Take care of your looks
Learn a new language
Forget your troubles
Make peace with life & people
Love like you mean it
Enjoy Nature
Make new friends
Learn new things
Update your wardrobe
Listen to your elders
Laugh a lot & above all smile at life
Sing from the heart
Kiss like you mean it
Take a bubble bath
Be curious & show initiative
Send emails to friends
Relax & enjoy yourself after a hard days work
good advice
Great advice and really cute photos!!!!
Great advice and really cute photos!!!!
That was a great looking steer up there.
Thanks for all the wonderful pictures and great advice!
*hugs* ♥
a very fun post!! thanks!
I meant to put my comment after THIS post! This post has tons of wonderful advice 🙂