The Saturday Post {85}
Top 5 Posts of the Week
1. 365 – Midmonth photos 62-76
2. A Few of My Favorite Things – Repost
3. A Worthy Cause & Giveaway!
4. Friday Five
This Weeks Posts
A Worthy Cause & Giveaway!
The day you started blogging. What were you thinking?
Friday Five
Blast from the Past
2014 – There wasn’t one. This time last year there was a lot going on…
2013 – Bamboo Gardens
2012 – Farm Kids are a Different Breed
2011 – Sad Day
2010 – There wasn’t one.
Recipes made from the Blog This Week
++I was lazy this week :)++ Well I didn’t cook anything I’ve blogged about. I actually cooked things…
Week’s Happenings
++This was a weird week what with Monday off and all. That kind of made me lose track of days.
++One of my husband’s cousins (by marriage??) lost their little boy this week. He was just a few days shy of 3. I don’t know the details really and I didn’t ever meet those family members so I never knew the little boy but please keep the family in your prayers.
++Another one of hubby’s cousins (sister to the parents of the little boy) lost their house to a fire this week so please keep them in your prayers as well.
++Today is my SIL’s baby shower. I guess she had a bit of a scare this week due to her age when involved with this pregnancy but all came out okay.
++I usually give my SIL fits about being old… I refrained when she posted about that on facebook. Every now and then I can be nice, right? (btw, if you’re reading this Liss, you’re old 😉 haha)
++I just had to throw that in there… couldn’t resist.
++Hubby ordered me TurboFire this week. 2 of my friends have done it, one is Jill, she did awesome about it and blogged the results. The other is Brittin, she is actually signed up to be a coach? or something like that. I don’t really know. We’ll see if I can shed this baby weight with that.
++I’d like to shed the weight I gained that is still hanging around, but I’d also like to tighten up and maybe even drop a few more pounds.
++My group of friends, we absolutely LOVE to watch/quote the NFL Bad Lipsinking video on Youtube. Earl told me I needed to watch the 2015 one the other night. It’s good but still not as good as the first… SKUNK! An Orange Peanut? For me? Well I accept you!
++And that’s all she wrote boys and girls.