More Wedding Day Eve…
PC had his dad over on Tuesday night and when he came over, he brought us all the photos from yesterday’s post as well as photos he took on Wedding Day Eve and the Wedding day. I felt like you guys should see more photos… haha 🙂 Not like I don’t cram my blogs with enough photos anyway! Sheesh, what am I thinking!
So yes, I’m back tracking a little, but you know a year from now it’ll be great that I included these! You’ll thank me then ;).
Ok you see what is circled in this photo?? That’s what we carried in my car that was in Evelyn’s lap and my trunk that we picked up at the florist.
The circle here is where my mom wanted the cake. Boy it upset me but it worked out great in the end! Sorry mom 🙂
Mom & Cynthia decorated this up but for all the things going on… I can’t for the life of me remember right now where they had it. Guess we’ll see in reception photos.
Here’s my Prince Charming
Peace, Love & Back-tracking