Dust off the Cobwebs

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Wow, it’s been a hot minute since I was here last. Looks like October 7th of 2021. I’m trying to decide if I even remember how to do this quite honestly. A lot has happened since then, we’ve now been around the sun 3 times plus a few days/months. The world started slowly moving away from Covid… although I’m not sure about that one some days. We’ve been through an election, weird weather all across the US and the world, We had Totality (the solar eclipse), quite honestly I could keep on and on… but I won’t. If you’re here, that means you lived through most of it too, not to mention the random little idiocracies we all deal with individually.

I started this year sick as a dog. But it was just me… no one in my house got it. How do I know, other than they weren’t sick because I was around them. I mean, I have a cup that I carry around with me all the time and my family would grab it and drink from it. So whatever I had wasn’t contagious. I would suggest to them not to drink after me, but they would. It wasn’t a cold… oh no, it was something internal pipe-related. Haha… I’ll just leave it at that. I’m not 100% sure I’m over it, but we’re getting better every day. At one point I figured it was the Keto Flu. I had all the symptoms and oh yeah, I’m kind of doing Keto. I’m Keto adjacent as I like to call it. Or Keto/low carb. I’ve lost 36lbs. I still haven’t felt like sharing that on my FB page with people I know. I’m not sure why. I do have people I know on Instagram and I shared it there, but… I don’t have nearly as many people I know on Instagram as I do on my personal Facebook page. 

My husband and I started this in July, so we’ve been doing it for about 6 months. I’ve been more strict than he has because hello, I’m a woman in my 40’s and he’s a dude. Not fair, but anyway it is what it is. By the way, he’s lost 40lbs. I’m so proud of him! He’s doing amazing and not to break my arm patting myself on the back, but I feel like I am too. We have a cruise coming up and quite honestly, I’d like to drop down into the next 10lb bracket, but I’m afraid I’m just made to live in the 10lb bracket I’m in because I’ve been here for about a month now. I’m getting close to the weight I was before having my little girl 10 years ago, however, I’m not sure what my end goal is. I just keep setting small goals. One of my “rewards” for hitting a goal was I got a new denim jacket. I could have bought it, but I just really wanted to “earn” it and I did. I honestly can’t tell you where it is right now. haha. Christmas kind of threw up in my house and I’m just now getting it back in order. That means I’ll find the jacket, eventually.

I bought a thing online to help me get my house back in order. I’m kind of frustrated with it because it isn’t what I thought it was going to be… but give it time and actually try, I hope it works! Oh yeah, I also have a YouTube channel. I have had it for years technically but never did anything with it. Then all the sudden one day in like 2022 maybe I started. I wasn’t what you would call consistent, and technically I’m still not, but I try. I only have 263 followers as of checking yesterday. I really wanted to be at 300 by the new year, but I didn’t get there. I’ve heard people aren’t following YouTube channels like they once were. I’m always a day late and a dollar short to things. Oh well.

One last thing… I saw an article talking about How to Create a Vision for the Life You Want to Live and it asked 9 questions. Technically there are only 7 questions with 2 prompts, but I wanted to put them here.

  1. Write down your Mantra: Be Present
  2. What does your dream life look like? Traveling the world.
  3. How do you want to feel this year? Satisfied.
  4. When are you happiest? On vacation with my family.
  5. Where do you want to go this year? 
    • On a Cruise (booked)
    • Ft. Worth, TX (looking like twice)
    • Either on another cruise OR Out west
  6. Who are the people in your life you want to prioritize? My family and then friends. They are so precious to me.
  7. What books do you want to read this year?
  8. What’s one thing you want to learn this year? A foreign Language. I kind of have it down to Greek (yikes) and Spanish (helpful, especially around here)
  9. Create a Vision Board. I suck at these 🙂

So hopefully at the end of the year we can see how I did, especially because it is in writing (or typing) and it is out there for the whole world to see and keep me accountable. We’ll see how that works 🙂



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